Levite Organics
Farm to table
San Diego
We are a farm to table company shipping premium organic, health, wellness, Kosher, and sustainable products or services at reasonable market prices.
The concept behind this business began in 2016 when Andrew, the founder, decided to look for an alternative water source, aside from the local municipal water distributor at the height of the most recent drought in the Southern California region. He had always heard that the property where his residence and farm now exists was blessed with very productive aquifers. He knew that his property value, would hence, increase had water been discovered underground on his property.
As it happens, he was friends with a gentleman whose father actually made a living finding water using dowsing rods. Thus, for the heck of it, he dowsed the property for water locations where he might drill using his father’s dowsing rods! He identified three spots and struck sweet water on the first try after hiring a highly respected drilling outfit located nearby.
After this discovery he considered how he can maximize the highest and best use. Voila, the idea of an organic farm presented itself. After consulting his son, Daniel, who is a UC Davis trained agriculture and environmental scientist and sustainable landscape contractor, he decided to develop an organic farm plan that was best suited for the climate, soil, and geography.
The farm now has over 1200 fruit trees with 1500 more in the works over the next 2 years. The current inventory of trees include improved meyer lemon, various orange, peach, fig, pomegranate, apple, plum, and lime.
"Levite Organics provides premium produce at competitive prices."
Want To Grow?
Have a question about Levite’s various organic, kosher products, such as lemons, honey or vermiculture? Feel free to get in touch with us.